Hi Guys. I have seen a couple of posts about Theory 11 and Ellusionist on here and was wondering though which company you prefer. Based on everything they do. Not just the decks they bring out or the stuff they give away. Everything. For example, a couple of days ago before the Monarch decks were officially released. They released some special edition series of them (not really sure what they were) of the monarch deck. People must of been awake all night because my friend tried to get one and apparently they sold out in 90 seconds. Not positive if that is true but what I do know is that in that space of time when those special ones were available, you were not shown what you were buying. No pictures at all. I'm not so fond of that idea and it seems allot of people on You-Tube and Facebook weren't either. I think I prefer Ellusionist more to be honest but I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys think.