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Azukinimagician 11-19-2011 03:18 AM

Youtube Partner Program
Hi guys,
I want to ask you guys (if you are a youtube partner), what kind of tips to be a youtube partner.

I only applied it once. I just went to and applied, but they didn't accepted me. (2 months ago)

What are some general requirements? (Subs, views, etc?)
I am in the individual partnership by getting ads on individual videos, but I don't have any new features like: banners, photos on your background, etc.


Albert 11-19-2011 06:45 AM

I also got rejected once when I signed up for partnership the first time. My actual partner offer came to me afterwards, in which I accepted to be a partner.

Subs aren't that important. I think I've seen a partner with around 1500 subs before. Regardless, you shouldn't be too focused on becoming a partner and rather, focus on how to improve your video. If you do that, more subs and views would naturally follow, in which partnership offers will naturally come to you. :)

Getting a partnership sounds cool and exciting, but you have to remember, you must make your videos worthy of that partnership. I don't know what YouTube's criteria are though to be honest. That's why I believe that the best approach is to go and try to be better for now :)

Mark 11-19-2011 01:48 PM

I always suggest people to not apply for partnership, but to wait till YouTube invites them for that or for making money with their videos without partnership, like in your case. Most times when you will apply or when you've been invited for just the revenue sharing already, you will not get approved for partnership till YouTube invites you for it themselves. There is a reason why they invited you for the revenue sharing and not for partnership right away, which is that they think your channel is not quite ready for it. Once it is, they will invite you automatically.

There are no criteria for views, subs and such anymore, nor is there any kind of formula (back when I became a parther YouTube was a lot more strict and clear about it). One thing I really dislike of how they work nowadays is that they don't give everyone an equal opportunity and that there is no actual value in being a partner anymore. For instance if you have the opportunity to go to an official YouTube convention, they often hand out forms there which you could fill out to get promoted and become a partner much easier. Or when they have had a big run of partnering musicians (or magicians for that matter), they take a break from partnering anymore of these similar kind of artists for a while (although I doubt that magicians is a category on its own as for that). :hm:

That said, the new YouTube lay-out is coming soon and so far it seems that partners will not have more features than anyone else (although I hope and suggested they will or should still have a banner, but so far they don't which may mean the end of differences between revenue partners and actual partners).

KGaborMagic 11-19-2011 01:56 PM

I don't know why everybody wants to be a YT partner.:thinking:
Youtube is for entertaining people and not for getting money.

Mark 11-19-2011 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by robandbob55 (Post 5660)
I don't know why everybody wants to be a YT partner.:thinking:
Youtube is for entertaining people and not for getting money.

People often think that a banner is the difference between being cool and pro, and not being any of that. But you are right, it's quite a delusion.

They don't realize what they are getting themselves into either. There are a lot more restrictions for partners than for anyone else who just produces videos. :thinking:

Quite recently one of the biggest Dutch partners got de-partnered for obviously breaking the guidelines and apparently he now doesn't know what to do with his life because he can't make money with his videos anymore. Instead, he made videos about getting de-partnered in which he broke five times as many rules as he did before, and that while he seriously wants take YouTube to court for it. :meh:

People should be happy with the opportunity, but they shouldn't actually expect to get it or to keep it for the rest of their lives. Don't stop school and don't stop going out in the real world because you think you found your future in front of your camera or the computer monitor.

theheron 11-19-2011 03:31 PM

Hmmm... Didn't Dan and Dave lose their partnership recently also?

Mark 11-19-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by theheron (Post 5662)
Hmmm... Didn't Dan and Dave lose their partnership recently also?

They lost their entire channel (although.. it's suspended, not terminated so if ever things would settle it would come back up without any loss of videos and such). But the reason for the suspension is that they didn't follow the partner rules properly, which shows how strict those rules are and why they would've been better off not being partners.

Azukinimagician 11-19-2011 04:59 PM

I see. Well I believe that you guys are right. I think I should improve my videos in general. I think that I am not putting much effort... Thanks guys for the tips! I appreciate it:)

TommySteal 11-19-2011 05:52 PM

Ah, I was wondering what had happened to dbsquared :eek:

Fin 11-20-2011 04:09 AM

Very interesting.. Anyone know roughly what rules D&D broke?

Mark 11-20-2011 10:59 AM

Not just roughly, but more like exactly.

Partners have checkboxes that need to be checked in case there are paid product placements in their videos. This is done so that the advertisements Google places to those videos won't be ads of similar or other companies that don't wish to advertise to other advertisements/commercials, for obvious reasons.

Another thing is if a partner makes videos purely on one and the same product or site (a teaser, a trailer, a performance video, etc). Again, without checking the checkbox this is prohibited.

Third there has been a tiny bug in the system (YouTube corrected this but since D&D already broke the rules, this couldn't be corrected in their case.) The bug contained auto-flagging partner videos with dead links in their descriptions. The site was getting revamped at the time they were suspended so this may as well have played part in it.

Since most if not all of D&D's videos were ads and they apparently never checked those boxes, their account was suspended pretty much right away when YouTube found out about this.. for so called "spam, scams or commercially deceptive content".

TommySteal 11-20-2011 04:29 PM

:whistle: Oh, how boring

Mark 11-20-2011 09:07 PM

You'd rather hear that they were suspended for putting up a fake lottery in which over a thousand fanboys lost at least two bucks per person, and they promised the first 100 people joining would receive a free copy of 'If An Octopus Could Palm' including the deck which they never sent out? :p

Sorry but that didn't happen. :(

TommySteal 11-20-2011 09:43 PM

Where do you get all this info from Mark? Just out of interest :thinking:

Mark 11-20-2011 10:12 PM

I'm a YouTube guru and know a lot about how it works behind the scenes. There are no other things D&D could have been suspended for than the ones I just listed, and the related suspension message on their channel means just that (in their case.. as they didn't scam anyone, etc).

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