Magicians: The Gathering

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CardMate2k 11-30-2011 10:00 AM

Hi, I have just joined this to tell you all to BLOCK the matrix I have only just blocked him now but the things he has been saying to me ! I will tell you all the things he has been saying to me!!

One of them that he said are, "If you want to make me happy shout outs arnt needed, just show you sexy bare legs in all your vidoes" I meen he is obsest with girls legs" I meen PEDO!!!!

Also,""Whats your adress some day we can meet up! I would love to meet up with lots of girls mgicians, i am talking to some on the phone and chatting to them on webcam on facebook" Does he think i akm that stupid to give him my adress!!!!!!!!"

There are lots more i will be posting them aswell! BLOCK HIM

---------- Post added at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------


Originally Posted by Gnarlycardz (Post 5901)
-Nonetheless, any young female magician who takes part on youtube should be aware. Even if this creep does get more "views and is more likely to carry on" just means that he will keep doing the same thing with his commenting, and maybe even get worse

I have blocked him and i have just posted a couple of things he has said to me they are well pedoish!! I will be posting all the other things he has said to me as well :)

Mark 11-30-2011 10:04 AM

I strongly suggest you to not only block him, but to also report him over here:
The more people who do that, the bigger the chance he will be taken down. By just blocking him, he will be able to continue his actions forever.

Also, be sure to not let emotions take over when reporting him. I think YouTube will delete all emotional and immature looking claims right away. Just to be sure (like.. don't call him a pedo in the report, just tell them what he said and that he harassed you). :)

CardMate2k 11-30-2011 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by ItsMagicITellYou (Post 5959)
soo, this guy seemed pretty harmless in the beginning, but his comments on my videos got progressively more disturbing. the last 2 were ridiculously innapropriate, and i had to delete them because i have family members that go on my channel and i didnt want to put myself in a compromising position :/ he also continuously harassed me for my address, which i refused to give him. I'm just worried for the younger ones that dont know any better.

Hi Thanks for warning me. Its a bit wiered but when he found out i was a girl magician and he asked me for my age, i never thought nothing of it and i said back "12, 13 in december" Ever since he has been comenting on my vidoes aswell saying innapropriate things, and sending PM aswell doing the same thing. Also he keeps saying, "Whats your adress so we can meet up!" PEDO ALERT!

la0o9 11-30-2011 10:56 AM

being a pedophile is one thing Ms. CardMate2k, he's worse than that, he spares no female magicians of any age, be it an 8 years old girl, or a 30 years old pro, he will probably harass everyone who show themselves in any form of media.

Travmang 11-30-2011 11:17 AM

So let us be rid of him, once and for all! We must toss him into the fiery pit of Mount Doom!


That way we can destroy the big eye wreathed in flame that inappropriately stares at young girl' legs...

Yeah my humor sucks. :( But Lord of the Rings is awesome!

TommySteal 11-30-2011 06:58 PM

Whoever's being harassed must report it.

CardMate2k 11-30-2011 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mark (Post 6043)
I think we now are very well aware of the subject. No need to post anymore links and quotes unless they are of a new level of inappropriateness. ;):)

wish should could see the things he was actually saying to me in PM!!! Asking for my adress so we could meet up!! Does he think i am that stupid and by the a man magician on youtube told me that one of the girls told him that The matrix is paying a girl for magic. This got me thinking!!!

ItsMagicITellYou 11-30-2011 08:53 PM

mount doom? bah, no, we'll throw him off the throat of the world and have a dragon eat him XD you win if you get the references!

Travmang 11-30-2011 09:31 PM

Hmm maybe I should go play Skyrim instead of replaying AC: Brotherhood in preparation for Revelations which I have yet to buy. :D

la0o9 11-30-2011 11:02 PM

... i really have no sense of humor... i didn't understand any of that...

TheMisdirectingHand 11-30-2011 11:42 PM

Skyrim is the newest video game in the Elder Scrolls series. AC (Assassin's Creed): Brotherhood is the second to newest game in the series, Revelations being the newest.

Travmang 12-01-2011 12:57 AM


thetophatfirm 12-03-2011 05:28 AM

DUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!! I am having the same dilemma man!

Im thinking of getting Skyrim though, because that game goes on forever!!!!

AC is more like a quick death bringing orgasm of assassin badass bossness

so yeh

Travmang 12-03-2011 05:54 AM

I can't wait to play Revelations. I may have accidentally came across the ending of Revelations on YouTube and then proceeded to watch it. It is just so... amazing. <3 Altair and Ezio! :)

la0o9 12-03-2011 11:13 AM

it's going off topic guys

Mark 12-03-2011 12:34 PM

Thanks la0o9, just wanted to say that. So let's get back on topic people.

Gnarlycardz 12-04-2011 01:18 PM

Since I dont want to give up on this subject, lets see another recent link shall we

Read all of it

Travmang 12-04-2011 04:16 PM

This sickens me. I don't believe a word he says. I pray to god that it's lies. :ugh:

BenjiTaylor 12-04-2011 05:24 PM

vjose32 12-04-2011 05:29 PM

Well i'm new here, but not new to youtube or the matrix. I commented on that link that Gnarly posted recently and he claims she finds him sexy and stuff which I find hard to believe. But it seems like he is preying on vulnerable girls like Sandra now. I have seen many of his comments and have also blocked him, although i'm no girl and he has no interest in me. He did have some interest in my new collab channel because of the girls in it but I blocked him there too. I'm surprised nobody has reported this creep to the authorities yet! I will be doing a video on him today to spread awareness. In case you aren't aware it is worse, he pays a girl for tutorials through some kind of "business arrangement" they have, sounds sick!

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