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View Full Version : Cards. Where to buy.

09-02-2012, 08:20 AM
Hey guys, I am having a problem, I want to get cards. But IMO they're too expensive when counted with shipping. For example Red Dragon Back deck + Guardians deck + Shippong =76LTL = 18GBP.
For 2 decks.. Just.. Ehh.. And other thing. For example deck costs 4.40 GBP but shipping costs. 4.99 GBP. Just feeling wrong.

09-02-2012, 09:00 AM
It's the main problem when living in Europe. Apart from in the UK or at local magic stores, you will not be finding decks much cheaper than that. :(

If you buy more decks at once, many Ebay sellers actually ship up to 8 (and sometimes even 12) decks internationally for one fixed shipping rate, so then that would be your way to go.

09-02-2012, 12:14 PM
Just seen on amazon.co.uk that dragon backs are going for £2.09 per deck and the old black rider backs just £2.99. A steal if you ask me.
Ebay is good but don't get tempted by some of the harder-to-get decks like arrcos because more than likely they'll be the re-issues which you have to soap before you can do anything with them. Hope that helps dude.