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View Full Version : "Magician" episode 1 - Gotcha!

03-20-2010, 07:16 PM
hi, this is James,
here is my first video, o come take a look.


hope you enjoy it!

03-21-2010, 06:30 PM
Very nice!^_^

The only thing is that it seems to be a little too slow, which may work in real life if you got the patient kind of spectators you luckily got, but online it needs to be straighter to the point to keep it interesting to watch. The part of the promises would be where most people would stop watching. That is, when performing for the camera instead of live.:hm:

But congrats on the reactions! It's nice to see you go out there.^_^

03-23-2010, 05:10 AM
Very nice!^_^

The only thing is that it seems to be a little too slow, which may work in real life if you got the patient kind of spectators you luckily got, but online it needs to be straighter to the point to keep it interesting to watch. The part of the promises would be where most people would stop watching. That is, when performing for the camera instead of live.:hm:

But congrats on the reactions! It's nice to see you go out there.^_^

I agree that the "promises" are a little long, but they serve their purpose, to buy me a little time. and they also keep people from interrupting me when they think that i have messed up on the trick, so that is an added bonus.
thanks for watching the video and commenting!

03-23-2010, 01:57 PM
You're welcome.^_^

However, you may want to change it into "If I seem to screw it up, please don't tell me until the very end. I can only learn from actual mistakes." instead of the promises. It's less of a 'break' and wouldn't distract people from the effect. Some people just don't like to make promises because it's sounds slightly forced.

May I ask you, for how long have you been doing magic?:)

03-24-2010, 12:50 AM
i have been really been practicing magic for about a year. I started magic when I was 10 or 11, but I stopped for a while. but I recently started taking lessons from a family friend (whom is also a magician) as a gift, so i have become much better with some advice that i had been given.
this is one of the tricks i was taught. it's my favorite. :)