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Kieran Oloughlin
01-25-2011, 05:03 AM
My name is Kieran and I live in Australia
I have been doing magic for only six months and absoultly love it!!! I wish I had some friends that also practiced magic to talk to but I don't so I have come here. Plz in future do not get angry at my neewbienes (is that even a word) and I just am happy to have a place to come to to see others disscuss magic without exposing anything

01-25-2011, 05:54 AM
Hello Kieran! You are very very welcome here and we hope you enjoy your time here with other respectful magicians! We are all still very new to the art of magic, so the so called "newbiness" is definitely not a problem :D

We are still a somewhat of a small community, but I hope you enjoy your time here sharing lots of great ideas and expressions on the art :)

01-25-2011, 01:35 PM
Welcome to the forum, and to the trade, i assure you, if 6 months is enough for you to love it, be in it for six more and you can't live without magic, ever.

no worries, even people with a few years experience might still screw up from time to time, just know what you need to fix and not repeat it and no one will call you a noob.

01-25-2011, 03:44 PM
Welcome! Great to have you here! And no worries, our very first forum rule is that everyone is equal. ^_^
How exactly did you roll into the art of astonishment? :D

Kieran Oloughlin
01-26-2011, 02:09 AM
How exactly did you roll into the art of astonishment?

I have the strange urge to learn anything that I find very impressive and when I saw a close up magic performance. My new passion set in.