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View Full Version : Quick utility changes

01-02-2011, 02:32 AM

Starts with a Brian Tudor change then goes into a change I developed utilizing the all-around square up. Comments are appreciated.

01-02-2011, 08:05 AM
It is a very neat idea, but the only thing I think of when I see you execute the change is, "Why does it look so suspicious?" The idea is great, but I suggest you try to present in a way that looks smoother, and not too much cover.

01-02-2011, 06:01 PM
I've been playing around with it quite a bit because once the card is out of the center, it is not in an ideal changing position. I'll probably upload another video in a while

01-02-2011, 06:59 PM
Actually, it all depends on what shift you are using to get the card in your hand. I don't want to risk too much exposure by posting here though.


Also, I see what you are trying to use the 9 of Spades for, but that is just in my mind. There is no intent of actually doing anything with it. You could try another method to getting the Joker out, that looks just as similar. That is just my opinion, you do not need to keep it at heart.